Monday, March 17, 2008

A rant.

It must just be something that I cause. Whenever I try to do something in a vaguely public area, everyone has to come out and do something else. Usually something counter-intuitive to what I want to do. Like when I tried to write an essay in the living room (after 2 weeks of tiptoeing around when someone else was doing the same) people get snippy with me because I don't want 6 people playing Magic in the living room. Despite the fact that they had already said they were going elsewhere and then only left for about 1/2 hour. Yesterday when I was playing Smash Bros. in solo mode, people wanted to play so you know what? Fine. Here, I will save and we can all play until you have to go back to your work. Work which I do not have, by the way. Today, there have been the same people in the living room playing Smash for more than 5 hours. These people all have essays and things to do. "Oh, we've only been playing off and on". Yet when I mention that I would like to play, I just get ignored.

Fuck you. Fuck you all, next time I am just going to keep playing solo. I don't care what you want now, any more than you care what I want.

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