Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WTB: Tapestry needle.

I need to buy a tapestry needle, because I am done my second thumb, and need to be able to string it to something, since I don't have a hundred size 4 dpns and I can't just let everything just sit there.  I wonder if we have them at work.

I have that feeling again. I know it is probably just me. The problem is that I can't tell. And if it isn't just me, I know that what I do when I have that feeling makes it worse. It isn't even a concious reaction, at least not until I do it. Then it is like watching a car crash from the sidewalk: you just sit there and scream as it happens, and there is nothing you can do but try to deal with the aftermath. Only in this car crash there is a fire, or downed powerlines, or a mob of giant grasshoppers preventing you from stepping in and helping so you just have to wait for the authorities. I really wish there was some way I could tell.  But the only real way to tell is my feelings about it, which have already been established as unreliable at best. At least I hope they are.

In other news, the music they play on much more music really sucks sometimes.

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